Authentic Mt Athos Incense

Orthodox Incense

Mt Athos MonksFirst Grade Premium Quality Athonite Incense made at St Anne's Scete on Holy Mt Athos (Άγιον Όρος, Agion Oros).

All incense is prayerfully made at the Hermitage of St Eleftherios Vouleftiria at St Anne's Scete using age old Athonite ingredients for incense making.

We have the largest selection of over 40 high quality Athonite aromas to choose from!! New aromas are continually being trialed and added to our already extensive list. Our incense burns very clean. Very fragrant. We are able to provide the highest premium quality grade at the cheapest prices because we provide direct to the customer. All our incense is well cut and provided in strong, sturdy boxes.

Please specify which type of incense and amount when ordering. Order details at bottom of page. 

Available aromas

Αγιορειτικο Θυμιαμα / Μοσχοθυμιαμα
Ορθοδοξο Θυμιαμα
Афон ладан

Amber ExtraΚεχριμπαρι Eξτραянтарный экстра
Amber of EgyptΚεχριμπαρι Αιγυπτου Янтарный Египет
BethlehemΒηθλεεμ вифлеем
Bouquet OrientalΠαπαρουναмак
ByzantineΒυζαντινο византийский
CarnationΓαρυφαλλο гвоздика
CedarΚεδρος кедр
Cherubim (Angel Flower)Χερουβικονрозовощекий
CypressΚυπαρισσι кипарис
Cypress BouquetΣυπρ (Κυπαρισσι Μπουκετο) кипарис букет
Desert FlowerΑνθος ΕρημουЦветок пустыни
FougereΦτερι папоротник
Gardenia ExtraΓαρδενια Εξτραгардении экстра
Gazia (Mimosa)ΓαζιαГази
Honey SuckleΑγιοκλημαЖимолость
JerusalemΙερουσαλημ Иерусалим
Kassia (Cinnamon and Clove)ΚασσιαКаши
Lemon FlowerΛεμονανθος лимон
LilasΠασχαλια сирень
MarjoramΜαντζουρανα майоран
MagnoliaΜαγνολια магнолия
MyrrhΜυρον мирра
Night FlowerΝυχτολουλουδο Ночной цветок
Rose BlackΤριανταφυλλο Μαυρο 
Rose ExtraΤριανταφυλλο Εξτραрозы экстра
Rose of BulgariaΤριανταφυλλο ΒουλγαριαςРоза Болгарии
Rose of HollandΤριανταφυλλο Ολλανδιας Роза Голландии
Rose WildΤριανταφυλλο Αγριο Дикая роза
VioletΒιολλετα Фиолетовый
Wild FlowerΑγριολουλουδοполевой цветок
Pure Frankincense (Olibanum Gum Grade 1)Λιβανι (Δακρυ)Ладан 1 класс
NardΝαρδος девясил
Wild LilyΚρινος ΑγριοДикие лилии
SandalwoodΣανταλοξυλοсандаловое дерево
Nard ExtraΝαρδος Εξτραнард экстра
Orange BlossomΑνθη Πορτοκαλιαςоранжевый цветок
Cherubim ExtraΧερουβικον ΕξτραХерувим Экстра
Bouquet Oriental ExtraΠαπαρουνα ΕξτραЭкстра мак
DewdropsΔροσοσταλιαкапли росы

Athonite Incense

Athonite Incense

Olibanum Gum / Resin Grade 1


Packaging is in 1 kg, 1/2 kg and 1/4 kg boxes.

Prices are:

  Premium Incense 1st Grade Pure Frankincense
Olibanum Resin
1 kg (2.2 pounds) €60 €40
1/2 kg (1.1 pounds) €30 €20
1/4 kg €15 €10


Postage is not included in the above prices.

Discounts are available where the sum of all 1/2 kg and 1 kg boxes exceeds 15 kg.

See our Order page for payment options.

Storage and Usage of Incense

Learn about the proper storage and usage of incense.


And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering.
Exodus 25:1-2


Oil for the light, spices for anointing oil, and for sweet incense;
Exodus 25:6


And thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon;
Exodus 30:1


And he burnt sweet incense thereon; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Exodus 40:27


And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.
Revelation 8:3


Orders and More Information

To place an order -- or for more information -- please contact Father Serapheim:

We are fluent in both English and Greek.

See our Order page for payment options.

  St Eleftherios - icon

All proceeds will go to the renovation of the 1000 year old Athonite hermitage of St Eleftherios - Vouleftiria at St Anne's Scete.